Scottish Rite Valley of Raleigh , NC - Past News Archives

Check presentation and tours at the ECU Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic
View more Photos of the Scottish Rite Fundraising check presentations
Check presentation at the ASU RiteCare Program
First Annual Grand Master & SGIG Train trip to Washington DC

At the George Washington Masonic Memorial group trip with the Grand Master and SGIG of North Carolina
View more Photos of the trip to DC2023 Summer Orient-Wide Reunion Class

Charles Broadway, Jeff Szymczyk, Chris Swanepoel, Mark Saults
Caleb Meyer, Douglas Abbot, Greg Hirsh, Jose Goncales
Don Butto 32° KCCH (Valley Secretary), David Patsfield, Joseph Horn, Ron Early, Bill Eaton, Bill Heffelfinger
2023 Biennial Session - Honor Recipients
Congratulations to the following brethren who will receive honors for the Scottish Rite Valley of Raleigh for the 2023 Biennial Session. Please congratulate these honormen of our Bodies and support them by attending their ceremony in Wilmington for Honors Weekend November 17-19
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Famous Mason Spotlight

John Wayne
Born: Sunday, 26 May 1907
Died: Monday, 11 June 1979
John Wayne was an actor and Freemason who vivified the independent, pioneering spirit of Masonic Liberty.
John Wayne was a lifelong participant in fraternal societies. A Member of DeMolay in high school, John Wayne would become a 32nd-degree Scottish Rite Freemason, a Shriner, and receive several DeMolay honors before his death of cancer in 1979. All throughout his life he evidenced individual self-determination and strength of character, honoring himself and the craft by his conduct. A strong believer in equality, he once remarked that within the lodge was the only place he felt that he wasn't being held up on a pedestal.
Born in 1907 in Iowa, he did not go by John Wayne until studio executives decided that his birth name, Marion Robert Morrison, clashed with the big screen. Their decision was a success, and John Wayne's career took off. He became one of the most famous actors in America, making the Old West famous, and becoming a symbol of American confidence, ruggedness, and courage. These qualities were not restricted to the silver screen when World War II broke out, Brother John Wayne wanted to go an enlist to defend his country. However, he was too valuable as a source of inspiration for the troops and stared in several war department films.
After the war, Wayne continued in his long and fruitful career as an actor, glorifying an independent and pioneering spirit, promoting the Masonic values of individual liberty and the perfection of humanity. He is rightly remembered as an icon of American culture, who helped build and shape the great American myth and dream.
2020 Spring Reunion - March 27-28
March 27-28 is our 2020 Spring Reunion for the Valley of Raleigh. You will find attached a petition to make copies of and give to a prospective candidate. I know there are many new Masons in our area that would like to join, so seek them out and give them a petition. Please contact Luigi Ammons if you have any questions. Let's make this fall a great reunion!
The Goethe Collection at the House of the Temple

The House of the Temple in Washington contains a highly interesting and specialized collection within its library holdings, sometimes referred to as the Claudy Collection. This assemblage of 514 volumes is also referred to as the Goethe Collection, for the collection is dominated by works of Germany's greatest poet as well as Freemason Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). This library-within-a-library contains many works by Goethe, including beautifully illustrated versions of his masterpiece Faust, a dramatic and philosophical exploration of good and evil ...
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2019 Fall Reunion Class

York / Scottish Rite Ladies Night - September 21, 2019

This years combined York Rite / Scottish Rite Ladies Night will be held on the 21st of September at 7 PM with a social hour beginning at 6 PM. Location is the Wake County Shrine Club. There will be a cash bar of beer and wine if you so desire.
- Menu will consist of half baked chicken, fingerling potatoes, black eye peas, tea, water and cake.
- The cost will be $30 per person plus whatever your cash bar costs may be.
- Entertainment is being worked on and should prove to be enjoyable.
- Please plan on attending this year.
We need a firm head count by the 12th of September to ensure there will be enough food for everyone.
RSVP either Andy Adam or Luigi Ammons.
2019 Biennial Session - Honor Recipients - November 16, 2019
Congratulations to the following brethren who will receive honors for the Scottish Rite Valley of Raleigh for the 2019 Biennial Session... The details of the Coronation and Investiture will be posted soon. Please congratulate these deserving members of our Bodies and support them by attending their ceremony on November 16, 2019 at the Winston-Salem Masonic Temple.
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2019 Spring Reunion Class

Dale Jarrett's NASCAR Cup Ford finds home in Eastover
Bullard's name was on a winning raffle ticket he had purchased at a Masonic lodge meeting in Stedman in November.

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2018 Fall Reunion Class

Passing of WB Michael Brantley, 33° & Grand Historian of North Carolina

Update: Memorial Service for Michael W. Brantley
If you are attending Worshipful Michael Brantley's memorial service on Saturday(Aug 25, 2018), please bring your white apron to wear. All Master Masons will be giving public grand honors and will need to wear their aprons. We will have our cloth aprons available also. As a reminder, the Temple is open starting at 11:00 am for those wishing to just stop by but the memorial service will start at 2:00 pm in the main lodge room. This is open to the public so family is to be included. Proper attire is coat and tie for Raleigh 500.
UPDATE: Brethern, Raleigh #500 is holding Michael Brantley's Memorial Service on Saturday August 25th at the Temple.
- 11am - Temple will be open for anyone who wants to pay last respects.
- 2pm - Memorial Service starts.
Aug. 15, 2018 - It is with heavy heart and deep sense of loss that we announce the passing of Worshipful Brother Michael W. Brantley this morning around 7:00 a.m. surrounded by his family. No announcement of funeral or services have been received at this point and it is believed that he will be taken to his home state of Alabama. At our stated communication on Tuesday, August 21, we will observe a moment of silence for the memory of our departed brother and will invite the brethren to offer thoughts regarding Michael's influence and effect on their Masonic service. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting and show your support and affection for this wonderful friend, Mason and Brother. – Mirl Austin, Secretary Raleigh #500
Michael Wiley Brantley
August 11, 1938 -- August 15, 2018
Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina AF&AM.
Masonic scholar, Gifted educator, Mason's Mason, Friend and Brother.
Well done, good and faithful servant.
Passing of Bro Wally Stopkey

It is with much sadness that I inform you of the passing of Brother Wally Stopkey today at noon. As more information becomes available, I will let you know. Please keep Brother Stopkey's family in your prayers.
Waldemar Stopkey passed away today unexpectedly. On Friday he celebrated his 89th birthday with friends, family and lots of cake. He woke at 4am this morning "feeling ill", went to the ER where he "coded" and did not regain consciousness.
UPDATE: Wally Stopkey's Celebration of Life will be Friday, June 1 at 4pm at North Raleigh Presbyterian Church, 11905 Strickland road, Raleigh 27613.
He and his beloved wife, Lorraine, will be interned in New Orleans at a later date. We hope to have the Masonic service at his internment in New Orleans.
He lived a very full life. He will be missed by many, but is now with his wife, parents, friends and Lord in Heaven where he is dancing and drinking lots of coffee!
2018 Maundy Thursday and Easter Celebration

2018 Spring Reunion Class

Grand Cross Presentation EVENT
A momentous occasion will take place on Sunday, December 3, at 2:00 pm. Illustrious Richard M. Ripley will be presented with the 33rd Degree Grand Cross. He will be one of only three Scottish Rite Masons in North Carolina to hold the prestigious title of, Grand Cross. It is the highest honor a Scottish Rite member can receive. The ceremony will begin at 2:00 pm in the dinning room of the Masonic Temple with refreshments to follow. The ceremony will be conducted by our own S.G.I.G., Illustrious Bill Brunk, 33°. Please support our own Col. Richard M. Ripley in receiving this great honor! Pass this information on to all Scottish Rite members you see and encourage them to attend. It is open to everyone, wives, friends non-Masons and anyone interested in Masonry in general. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday, December 3 at 2:00 pm.
Diamond Jubilee - Robert 'Bob' Schafer
On March 29 2017, members of J.J. Crowder Lodge in Raleigh, NC, paid a visit to Worshipful Brother Bob Schafer at his North Raleigh apartment, where longtime friend Worshipful Brother Luigi Ammons presented Brother Schafer with a Diamond Jubilee certificate and pin celebrating his sixtieth year as a Master Mason. Brother Schafer was a gracious host, full of energy and wit, and regaled the visiting brothers with stories of masons past. Brothers Ammons, Walter Hereford, Fred Dean, Don Butto, Marc Fusco, and Richard Corbin celebrated the milestone with Brother Schafer in high style.
W. Bro. Schafer was born in Newark, NJ in 1932, and was raised to the Sublime Degree on February 2, 1957 at West Essex Lodge #40 in Caldwell, NJ. He worked in the pharmaceutical industry and eventually made the move to North Carolina, where his masonic career saw him serve as the Master of J.J. Crowder Lodge #743 in 1989 and as District Deputy Grand Master of the old 25th District. Brother Schafer was active in the Amran Shrine, Scottish Rite, and York Rite, where he served as both the Grand High Priest of the Royal Arch Chapter in NC in 1996 and faithfully served as the Grand York Rite Secretary for 16 years.
The brothers at J.J. Crowder #743 thank Brother Schafer for his years of service to our lodge and to greater masonry in North Carolina. He has set an example for all masons to emulate.
History of the Scottish Rite Valley of Raleigh
Moving forward towards our Carle A. Woodruff Lodge of Perfection's 100th Anniversary, the Valley of Raleigh history has been documented and published by Brother Ludwik Wodka, 32° KCCH. Please support our Valley's history by adding this EXCELLENT book to your library. The order information is posted below to make your order. Thank you to Brother Wodka for his time and dedication to write and publish this history. I know you will enjoy reading this interesting book.
Here is the link to the page where to purchase the History of Scottish Rite Valley of Raleigh:
2017 Biennial Session - Honor Recipients
Congratulations to the following brethren who received honors for the Scottish Rite Valley of Raleigh for the 2017 Biennial Session... The details of the Coronation and Investiture will be posted soon. Please congratulate these deserving members of our Bodies and support them by attending their ceremony on November 18 at the Winston-Salem Masonic Temple.
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Previous Articles
- RiteCare® on Facebook
- RiteCare® Telemedicine clinic opening
- Masons Put Meeting Spaces on the Market
- Bro Elmer Oaks Jr. 32° - 50th Year in Masonry
- Hole-in-One wins Burlington man new car!
- Raleigh Scottish Rite Reunion Cookout
- A North Carolina Mason in the Peace Corps
- The Valley of Raleigh Temple is "haunted"!