Valley of Raleigh - Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite
We are located at 1520 Caswell St, near the intersection of Wade Ave & Glenwood Ave.
Our stated meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM. We have a meal before each meeting at 6:30 PM. All Scottish Rite Brethren are invited to attend our meals and stated meetings.

The Valley of Raleigh Temple is "haunted"!!
I have collected information on two encounters that indicates that indeed people have seen shadows and movement as well as heard footsteps and door closings.
The first encounter is reported below from the Triangle Paranormal Investigators who set up cameras and microphones to record all activities on February 28, 2011.
Their report is as follows: "The Scottish Rite Temple which is located on Caswell Street in Raleigh NC is haunted. This conclusion is based on the evidence gathered and analyzed for the Hiram 40 Masonic lodge which is located in the Scottish Rite Temple.
This was based on a number of factors. One is the amount of evidence captured during the investigation. 11 audio recordings were captured along with one photo of a very clear orb located at the front of the building. During the investigation, all investigators experienced shadows down in the auditorium. A majority of the activity seemed to be in the auditorium and the small ceremony room upstairs. This could be from the strong energy experienced there during ceremonies,rituals and meetings. Also, the tapestries could be creating a lot of that energy since they all represent something significant to the Masons.
It is hard to say how many spirits were at this location but some were clearly interactive while other audio clips seemed to be of a residual nature. Furthermore, Sam and Curt were not able to pinpoint the energies in the location for an unknown reason. One speculation is that Sam and Curt are not Masons so therefore they were not "tuned" in to the energies that Masons experience when going through the various Degrees.
The experience was unlike anything either of them had experienced before. Triangle Paranormal Investigations concludes that there are no negative entities in the lodge, only protective ones. Even in the afterlife they are trying to protect the secrets of the Masons and keep them dear and true to Brother Masons."
The second encounter is from the Valley of Raleigh's General Secretary, Ill Luigi Ammons 33° as follows:
"During the fall of 1993, I was coaching a candidate at the Masonic Temple of Raleigh for one of the lodges who meets there. I was to meet the candidate about 5:30 after I got off work. Since I did not have time to go home for dinner, I stopped at a fast food restaurant to pick up something to eat.
While I was sitting in the downstairs kitchen eating my dinner, I heard the front door open and slam shut (which is what it normally does if you let go of the door). Thinking the candidate had arrived, I hollered into the hallway to come into the kitchen. After a minute or so, no one showed up, so I went into the main part of the building to investigate. I looked over the whole building both up stairs, down stairs, and in the auditorium. No one was there. I went back to the kitchen to finish my dinner, thinking maybe the wind had blown the door open, or someone had gone out and I had not seen them.
After a few minutes, the door opened and slammed shut again. This time, I went out the back door of the kitchen and looked to see if someone had gone into the parking lot. Nothing! I went back into the building (through the 'front' door) and once more searched the entire building. Again, no one was there.
I have mentioned this to a few members over the years, and have had them tell me about similar instances that happened to them. Each time I tell the story, I get the same answer. It's just some of the old dead Masons walking around in the building. They very well may be RIGHT!"
Submitted by Michael May 32° KCCH– Valley of Raleigh Communications