Raleigh Scottish Rite Reunion Cookout

Just think what could happen if we had members not only go through the Degrees together, but also continue to get together and meet as friends and brothers. What if they found out they liked socializing with one another. Are not friendship, camaraderie, and brotherhood what the Fraternity is all about?
New members had the pleasure of attending the first ever Valley of Raleigh Reunion Class Cookout held for the 2012 Spring Class. What a neat experience it was! This simple but novel approach to engaging our newest members was inspirational. At a time when people are struggling in jobs, making ends meet, etc., Bro. Michael May chose to open the door of his home and play host to this class of young energetic Scottish Rite Masons.
The members of the class, along with their spouses and children, were invited to attend the cookout at no cost. Michael and his wife Phyllis prepared a great meal of hamburgers, hotdogs, and banana pudding. Rod Grindle brought homemade ice cream. The purpose of the gathering was to just simply show up, get to know each other and enjoy the company of like-minded men. One member (the oldest in the class) is writing two novels since joining the ranks of the retired. We had a certified tax preparer, the owner of convenience stores, two brothers with military backgrounds and others with a variety of occupations and hobbies.
In the course of just a few hours, everyone spoke about how enjoyable the event was and how soon could they do it again. One brother will soon ship out to Afghanistan and it was agreed to get the Class together before he departs in August. They bonded!
As a WSB member, suggest a similar event for your next Reunion Class. This is great way for you to get involved with your Valley. Offer to host the cookout in your home, help cook and organize a cleanup crew for the cookout or whatever it takes to create a positive environment for our new Scottish Rite brothers. I am convinced if we take the next step and create an environment that fosters brotherhood, we will soon have the growing and thriving fraternity we all desire.
Oh, and if you do have a class cookout, please let us know the results so we can share the good news of your success with everyone.